RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “And God Loves Gays Too”

“And God Loves Gays Too” is a 10-minute short 2009 film directed by Michi Tanioka. The narrator intervenes two parishioners of an Asian American church located in California about how their church views homosexuality.

Parishioner Marian Sunabe explains how a “conversation” occurred between the pastor, herself and a gay man named Gary. Marian had been friends with Gary for many years and remarked he had left the church once he came out. For 7 years he tried various conversion therapies without success. Sunabe explains how the Bible has been selective and erroneously interpreted to justify anti-gay stances.

Another parishioner Bonnie Tang points out that many parishioners quickly make assumptions about homosexuality relying on selective interpretations of biblical passages as opposed to the generalized context of the Bible.

Although the documentary may be dated but by today’s context it is a guidepost about how far certain churches and their parishioners have moved from their earlier positions. 

“And God Loves Gays Too” is available free of charge now courtesy of Visual Communications. Go to https://watch.eventive.org/vcarchives then click on Voices of Pride and scroll to the short to watch for free or for a contribution if you wish.

RKS 2024 Film Rating; 80/100.

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