RKS 2024 Film: Toronto’s 2SLGTBQ+ Inside Out Film Festival: “Local Heroes”: Short Programme: Reality and Dreams are a Mess for the Dreamer in “How’d You Sleep”

The Dreamer (Spencer Glassman) is self described as a 29-year-old hot Jewish chick in an unconventional way but not yet famous. Unfortunately, she slept in and missed her latest audition. “What’s wrong with me?” she muses.

The Dreamer has difficulty in sleeping despite her melatonin, hot milk, exercise, porn watching for some sexual release purposes, listening to learn language tapes and watching relaxation videos. All this tossing and turning is painful to watch.

It appears the Dreamer is suffering from some anxiety as in a dream she appears on stage singing opera but messes up her lines to boos of the audience then she appears on stage unintentionally naked and consequently humiliated.

In a dream the Deamer is visited by her gay gym teacher (Travis Silverman) from high school and they exchange kisses then off the Dreamer goes to her 30th birthday party and watches her alter ego drop the cake on the floor. Both reality and dreams are a mess for the Deamer.

The short is a frenzy of painful tossing and turning, low self esteem, fear of failure and anxiety and perhaps an inability to dissect fantasy from reality. A perfect storm for insomnia?

Writer and director Spencer Glassman.

Showing with the other Local Heroes shorts in theatre 30May2024 and virtually 31May2024.

RKS 2024 Film Rating: 74/100.

For more information on the Festival see insideout.ca.