“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our North Korean Experience: On Tour in North Korea: The Call of Nature for Dylan the Westie Just About Sends Him to the Gallows: A Warning for The Mookster: Chapter Seventy (70)

After our sumptuous feast with Kim and his sister we return to our hotel. It has been searched in our absence. Bob leashes us up and takes us for a walk. There are no people on the streets. There is no pee mail in this town of Pyongyang. Could it be all the dogs, a… Read More “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our North Korean Experience: On Tour in North Korea: The Call of Nature for Dylan the Westie Just About Sends Him to the Gallows: A Warning for The Mookster: Chapter Seventy (70)

Vietnam On The Move

(HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM) – Did the Americans Win the War in Vietnam? After visiting the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City I was reminded most unpleasantly of the terrible toll taken on French, American, Korean, Pilipino, Australian, New Zealand, and Vietnamese soldiers and civilians. In a sense, one side was fighting… Read More Vietnam On The Move