RKS 2023 Film: “Nisei”: An American Short Film That is Far From Sweet

Inspired by stories by the writer and director’s grandfather the award winning “Nisei” follows the journey of two Japanese American brothers during World War II, John and Minoru Miyasaki. Although many Japanese Americans were interned in “segregation camps” John and Minoru volunteered to join the 442nd Regimental Combat Team an all Japanese American unit that sacrificed everything, to prove loyalty to a country that did not want them. Can you imagine the emotional difficulties these Nisei (second generation Japanese Americans) faced balancing their Japanese heritage against their insistence in proving their loyalty to the United States. The 442nd fought in Italy and Minoru paid the supreme price.

The 442nd called for 1,500 volunteers but close to 10,000 Nisei volunteered. The 442nd based on its size was the highest decorated unit in United States military history. Fifty-five years after the war 20 Nisei in the 442nd were awarded the Medal of Valour.

I have seen several documentaries on the internment of Japanese Americans after the United States declared war on Japan on December 7, 1941. Whereas Kishi Bashi’s “Omoiyari” virtually shouts at you about the injustices suffered by Japanese Americans during World War II “Nisei” lets you make your own conclusions in a subtle fashion. Both the films leave a bitter taste in your mouth. You can read my review of “Omoiyari” here https://setthebarlifestyle.wordpress.com/2023/09/22/rks-2023-film-a-song-film-by-kishi-bashi-omoiyari-american-concentration-camps-for-japanese-americans/

Nisei shows with two other shorts on 29November 2023 at the Crescent Theatre in Beverly Hills California. After the shorts are screened there will be a Q&A with filmmakers moderated by Renee Tajima-Peña.

“Nisei” was written and directed by Darren H. Rae.