RKS 2024 Film: Toronto’s 2SLGTBQ+ Inside Out Film Festival: “Sisters”: Where Does Friendship Evolve into Sisterhood and Vice Versa?

In the feature film “Sisters” Lou (Susie Yankou) and Esther (Sarah Khasrovi) are best buddies doing all manner of events together platonically. Lou is an out of the closet bisexual.

Lou and Esther have a fantasy about having sisters. Then out of the woodwork at her father’s funeral. Up pops Pryia (Kausar Mohammed) and instant sisterhood. Seems Lou’s father had a little office fling immediately prior to his marriage to Lou’s mother.

An initial fascination with Priya launches Lou on a self discovery journey about friendship and sisterhood. Clever writing on the story developed by both Yankou and Khasrovi rarely morphing into fluff.

The on-screen relationship of Yankou and Khasrovi kickstarts the film and rides it throughout. Not to exaggerate but it is near magical and entirely captivating.

Many one liners spice up the film which has comedic elements embodied heavily infused with satire. A first class semi-comedic Sistercom film!

Directed by Yankou.

World premiere at the Festival on 25May2024. For more information check insideout.ca.

Robert K. Stephen 2024 Film Rating 86/100.