RKS 2024 Travel: Beware of Deer Signage on the Roads: No Joke: Bambi Slaughter!

If you are in Eastern Canada or United States driving on the roadways you see those beware of deer roadside signs but shuffle their significance to the far reaches of the brain.

I have never seen a deer on the road in my Canadian travels.

In fact the first time I saw any deer near or on the road was many years ago just outside of Buffalo, New York at dusk heading back to Toronto from Washington. There were many deer at fields near the road but none ventured to the road to meet their maker.

Again a couple of weeks ago seeing the deer warning signs in New Jersey initially I paid no attention until I saw deer carcasses littering the road and had to stop several times as the does and Bambi suddenly appeared on the road. Like a pilot in the Battle of Britain I was looking for Messerschmitt’s aka deer!

A road warning sign to be taken seriously…..in New Jersey……???? Indeed yes.

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